Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Monday and 8 More Days

Yep that's right only 8 more days til I fly home to Georgia. I'm not excited or anything. I can't believe it's already the 15th and we still haven't had any snow here that has stuck. It's amazing. Lately our highs are like 40 but its better than inches of snow everywhere. Normally I think snow is pretty, and don't mind it but work is off 2 dirt roads which are horribly slick when icy. And according to I shouldn't have to worry about getting snowed in when I leave, but getting stuck in Ga ( which wouldn't be bad) is aother story.

Grandmas arm is healing well. We got to take her splint off on saturday but she is now wearing a brace to protect her stitches and wrist until they come out on thursday.

And I worked more on my cooking skills this weekend. I have decided one day I am going to make a great wife. Since I moved to Wyoming, I have done most of the cooking all the cleaning and a lot of hime repairs. Although I am a pretty good cook. I have learned I love to cook. I also learned to crochet, I just haven't practiced in a while.

Now I'm off to search the internet to figure out exactly what it is my little brother wants for christmas. I personally have no idea what a star wars hostage crisis is so hopefully I can figure it out by the time I fly home.


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