Thursday, November 4, 2010

Feeling So Much Better

Yay! I went to the doctor on monday to see if he could give me something for my headaches. Well my doctor wasn't there but the doc that was is amazing. I am seriously thinking of switching offices to see him from now on. After looking at my chart and hearing about my symptoms he said I have tension migraines. He put me on 3 different meds to help. One is a muscle relaxer, and one is a pain pill for migraines. I take these both 2 times a day. Then he put me on a second pain pill for between the other two meds or whenever I feel my headache getting worse. I feel so much better. I want to go hug the doctor since I have been dealing with these horrible headaches since August.

So far I would say November is off to a good start. But next week won't be so much fun. I have to register for classes on monday but I'm looking forward to that. Then on wednesday Gram is having surgery on her left wrist. She had surgery on it two years ago and the bone they put in is breaking down. So now they are replacing the bone and relieveing the tightness in her fingers from carpal tunnel. Doesn't that sound like a blasty blast?

But on the bright side I will be home in 19 days, not that I'm counting or anything. I am so excited to come home and see Tyler one more time before he leaves for boot camp. Dec. 4th is coming way to fast.

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