Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend Update

Over the weekend I had my first Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, I said my first. My gram and I decided to do it last weekend so  I could have it with her before her surgery on Wednesday and before I leave for Ga. So that's one down 3 more to go. Best part of dinner was the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies I got at Smiths. They are the best thing ever.

Today I got all registered for spring semester. I am super excited because I was able to get the classes and times I wanted. This semester I will be taking Intermediate Algebra, Chemistry and English 1010 plus a freshman class thats like study hall and mandatory.

This week is going to be pretty busy. Gram is having outpatient surgery on her wrist on Wednesday so we will be in Casper all day. Its a 2 hour drive one way but thats the hospital they want to do it at. I will be taking my laptop and work stuff to do while she is in surgery. She might be out the rest of the week so I will also be alone in the office. Its getting cold outside and they are predicting snow so all the guys will be out delivering heaters. At least I can blast my rock music then. :)

Tyler is leaving 2 days later than planned for basic. Instead of leaving dec 4th he is leaving dec. 6th. But he's doing good. I am proud of him. He passed his run test today and his weight is below the limit.

Thats about it from us for right now.

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