Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Its Snowing!!!

So I woke up late yesterday because me being a blonde forgot to set my alarm back. Then after rushing through my shower and putting the dogs away, I run outside to see an inch of snow sitting on my poor car. How we went from being warm and 62 degrees on monday to 29 and snow on tuesday I can't figure out.

Then yesterday after it starts to snow, Grammie and I had to drive to Casper which is a 2 hour drive. She had to have surgery on her wrist and elbow this morning. Thankfully her surgery went well and we are now home relaxing.

And the best thing ever happened today. Grammie and I went to Wal-Mart to get her pain meds and while we were waiting we walked past the game systems. Gram has been thinking about getting a Wii for a while but decided today was the day. I'm so excited to set it up tomorrow and play it. We also have Super Mario Brothers for Wii so I know what I'm doing this weekend.

Well thats about all from me. Got to get up early and get the puppies from the kennel then go to work.

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