Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bad Kari

I just may be the worst blogger ever. So anyways, I went home to spend Thanksgiving with Tyler and our families. I was only home for a week and it was a busy one. We had Thanksgiving, early Christmas and Jimmys birthday all in a few days. But it was fun. I also got to spend some time with all the adorable nephews. I am so thankful I was able to see everyone while I was home. I love spending time with my parents and Tylers whole family.

Now I'm home and back to work. I am also getting ready for school to start on Jan. 5th. And decorating for Christmas here. I love the holidays and love decorating for them. This year its just going to be Grandma, me, grams friend Earl and Aunt Jeanette, but it should still be fun. At least I know all the food will be super yummy. I am doing all the cooking. :)

Happy Holidays,

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