Saturday, April 30, 2011

Big Annoucements.

So for the past 2 months I have been absent for this blog. I've been busy with school which ended this week. I hd finals monday and tuesday and friday our final grades were released. I made a 4.0 which made me so happy. I also spent spring break in Alabama with Tyler and our parents.

This week our office also found out that our sister company is closing our accounting office. Tuesday we got a call saying the bosses from Utah were coming up to be trained by us for two days then we would be out of a job. A few months ago there had been talk about it but I would stay on to process invoices and I was told this week that it was not the case. So by next friday I will be officially unemployed. After looking at jobs in this area back when we were warned in March and again this week, I decided I am moving home to Georgia. There are not many jobs here I could do while going to school. Basically its all min. wage and part time and its not enough to keep me here. So in June I will be back in the humid south.

I also decided to change majors. Out here in Wyoming I was double majoring in nursing and healthcare admin including medical billing and coding. I decided to switch to healthcare admin only when I move. Its offered more places than nursing and can be done completely online in programs like University of Phoenix and Kaplan. And my credits now are pre-reqs for both programs. I'm excited about the change.

So I will be spending the next month getting ready for our Vegas trip which thankfully is already paid for. Then in June my best friend Marissa, my dog Lexi and I will be driving out to Georgia. Sounds like a fun road trip.

Now excuse me while I fill out some applications for jobs and start sorting through all my stuff here.

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