Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend Update

Finally we are warming up out here. Yesterday was the first day that our high was above freezing. It was beautiful outside. I never thought I would be so happy for 40 degrees outside. But because it was nice everywhere was busy. Gram and I go grocery shopping on saturdays because during the week we work and I have homework. Well yesterday Wally World looked like Mall Of Georgia around Christmas. It was impossible to fnd a spot to park. And inside was even worse. A few weeks ago I ordered a desk on wallys website with site to store shipping and on wednesday I got a text saying my desk was ready for pick-up. So yesterday while we were there I went to find my desk. I gave the guy my name and he went to the back to get my item. When he came out he was pushing a cart with a vaccum in it. Uh so not even close to what I ordered. I had to bring up the email saying what I was picking up to show that the vaccum wasn't mine. Now I am supposed to wait a few days for the store to figure out what happened. So not happy.
The desk I ordered.

The item they tried to give me.

Do these look like something thats easily confused?

Today has been great though. I woke up and cleaned the house and did laundry. Now I'm working on my english paper. Tonight my aunt is coming over for dinner. I am making steaks and artichokes and potatoes. And attempting to make a hollandese sauce for the artichokes, we will see how that works out.

Happy Sunday

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