Tuesday, May 24, 2011

In Transition

I spent the last week in Utah at my other grandmothers house. After 12 long years of braces I finally got them off. This is probably the first time since I was in grade school that I have been free of ortho junk. That will change on June 6th when I get my retainers. :( At least my teeth are straight.

This week I'm working on packing and cleaning my room. When I moved out here I only brought a suitcase but that was over a year ago. I have bought clothes, shoes and tons of books plus a desk and chair. Now I get to try to make it all fit in a mazda 2 and mazda tribute. Wish me luck. I have already set aside a big pile of clothes that are going to be donated to the womens/pregnancy center here in town. Its a great program that runs mostly off donations and when I was little we did a lot with them through school. So it feels great to be able to help.

Next monday I will be on my way to Salt Lake to meet up with Tyler. Then we are off to Vegas for two days and Im so excited. Then I will be back for less than a week and its back to Salt Lake to meet Rissa for our trip out east. We are both crazy excited. Hopefully things go well but with us I am betting we will get lost at least once even with our GPS. We are crazy talented like that.

Now I'm off to organize some more.

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