Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year.

This is the time of year when everyone makes resolutions. As a kid I did too. Mine were usually simple things like keep my room clean or get good grades. Well I got good grades but my room was always a disaster, sorry mom. I don't think my room was ever clean longer than a week, I just love "creative chaos" i suppose. This year I am setting some goals. One is to do well in school which starts tomorrow. I am really excited to go back. I want to try to exercise everyday. I was walking Lexi alot but with how cold it has been and all the ice we are both avoiding the outdoors. Hopefully I can learn how to balance being a full time student with working almost full time. Luckily I have an awesome boss who lets me have flexible hours to go to school.

Another goal is for me to start dressing more like an adult. I live in jeans, tee-shirts and tennis shoes. I love them and they are comfy but I am almost 21 and need a big girl wardrobe.

And I want to see Tyler graduate from Marine basic training. Hopefully that will happen this fall.

But thats about it for me. I can't believe that its already 2011, and I have lived in Wyoming for almost a year. This last year has flown by and hopefully next few will too. I am looking forward to being done with school, marrying my best friend and starting our life together. So the next few years can go fast. I would love that.

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