Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas.....4 days late

So Christmas has now come and gone and I am thankful the holiday is over. Usually I love the holidays. I love seeing my family and eating all the yummy food. But this year it was kinda sad. It was the first year not with my parents and not with Tyler. It was a little lonely. My grandmas friend was here but after 2 days I was ready for him to leave. He is 59 going on 90 I swear. From the time he got here you would have thought he lived here. And he expected to be waited on hand and foot. Not the best house guest when you are trying to make the best of the holiday.

The good part was that I got the Barnes and Noble Nook. I love it. On saturday after I opened it, I hurried through the book I was reading just so I could start reading on my nook. I decided that it may be my new best friend. It so cute and easy to use.

Work is still crazy. I cannot wait until the year is over just so some things calm down. And school starts on the 5th! I still have to get my books because the school is closed for the holidays but I won't need them until the 11th anyways. The 5th-7th is a orientation class that I also get credits for and only lasts 3 days.

Now I'm planning a trip home hopefully around my birthday. That gives me 3 months to plan and save so I'm hoping it happens.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The last 2 weeks.

Have you ever read a good book and not be able to stop until you hit the end? Basically I have done nothing the last two weeks but work, cook, take care of Lexi and read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I had some trouble getting into the book but once I did, I couldn't put it down. It was AMAZING. Now that I have finished I can return to the real world.

So last week I got to go on a business trip with only 20 hours notice. The company I work for is owned by a bigger company and I had to go down to their offices last week for meetings and training. So wednesday I woke up extra early and drove the 7 and 1/2 hours down to their office. Soon as I left here I hit crappy weather but thats normal this time of year. After I got a little ways from home it cleared up and I almost enjoyed the drive. After being there for 2 days I got up again early to drive home on friday. Well as soon as I left Vernal I hit snow and ice. The drive through the canyon that I loved on wednesday was beyond scary on Friday. At one point I saw 4 cars that slide off the road. After that, every town I stopped in I got my laptop and checked road conditions. I made it about halfway home and the weather got even worse. I ended up spending the night in Evanston, wy. Not fun to be stuck in a place where people who live in snow cannot drive in it and have your car covered in snow in less than 15 minutes. Saturday I finally made it home. Got to love how going down it took 7 1/2 hours and coming home was almost 10 over 2 days.

Since I got home I have worked and worked. Plus I caught a cold that made me lose my voice and possibly my patience with certain people. Now I feel better thankfully. I am also so ready for Christmas to get here. Not because I want presents but because I am tired of the kitten attacking the tree and stealing ornaments all the time. We had to take the tree skirt off because she would lay beneath it and smack the dogs. I thought the dogs were going to take the tree down trying to get to Ninja under the skirt. I cannot wait to take the tree down. It might be more fun if it wasn't going to be just gram, her friend Earl and I. To me the holidays kinda suck this year.

Happy Holidays Y'all ( I couldn't help that, living in Georgia does that to you)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bad Kari

I just may be the worst blogger ever. So anyways, I went home to spend Thanksgiving with Tyler and our families. I was only home for a week and it was a busy one. We had Thanksgiving, early Christmas and Jimmys birthday all in a few days. But it was fun. I also got to spend some time with all the adorable nephews. I am so thankful I was able to see everyone while I was home. I love spending time with my parents and Tylers whole family.

Now I'm home and back to work. I am also getting ready for school to start on Jan. 5th. And decorating for Christmas here. I love the holidays and love decorating for them. This year its just going to be Grandma, me, grams friend Earl and Aunt Jeanette, but it should still be fun. At least I know all the food will be super yummy. I am doing all the cooking. :)

Happy Holidays,