Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oops Slow Start

Ok, So I planned on posting something every few days to get in the habit before T leaves for basic. I figure that one day after he graduates he will be really bored and can read what I was doing for the 3 months he was gone. If I keep with with the every 10 days thing, it won't even take him much time to read.

So what have I been doing???

1. Took compass test for school. Got a 100 on the reading part, 94 on the writing and 91 on the math. Then I did a happy dance in the advisors office. But I am a walk in for the pre-nursing program so I'm super happy. Hopefully it will only take me 3 years to get my degree.

2. Made caramel apples and burned my finger really bad. Note to self never again try to dance to my favorite song while dipping apples. Now over a week later its still angry and red and sore. Doc says it will take a month to heal completely and will scar, like I don't already have enough of those.

3. Went to the "big city". To people in Wyoming that would be Salt Lake City, Utah. Its the most amazing place. I love the mountains and everything that it has to offer, like more than 2 movie theaters, several malls, and of course In-N-Out. Thats the california girl coming out.

4. Realized that hopefully this time next month I will be with T for Thanksgiving. Sadly he will be leaving a few days after that. Don't get me wrong I am very proud of him, I just hate that I won't be able to call or text him while he is in basic. I might be a little addicted to talking to him. If I dont hear from him for a long time I tend to start freaking out and call him to make sure he's ok. Usually he's asleep because duh two hour time difference. So the first few weeks I might be a little crazy.

Thats about it for right now. I'm trying to warm up since its so flipping cold outside. Hopefully it warms up this weekend like the weather man said. I am so not ready for winter yet.

1 comment:

  1. I love that Cali girl in you lol. That's why you're not ready for cold. :)
