Saturday, October 30, 2010


I am officially coming home for Thanksgiving, tickets bought and now just waiting for the day. I seriously am going to be counting down the days. 24 in case your wondering. Sadly I will be leaving on the 29th so I won't be there when Tyler leaves for basic. I wanted to but I have to work. Some days being a big girl isn't much fun.

I have gotten lazy the last few weeks. I used to come home from work then go to the gym then home to take Lexi for a walk before dinner usually 3 or 4 times a week. Now I have gotten into the bad habit of coming home, taking Lexi for a walk then camping out on the couch with a book. I have read 6 or 7 books in two weeks. Hopefully I will get back into my gym routine, but at least Lexi isn't missing out on her walks. To bad that will end once it gets really cold and snowy.

Now today has been the laziest day I have had in a while. I woke up around noon and then decided to camp out on the couch for the rest of the day. Don't judge me I have had horrible migraines for over a week and todays was the worst. I saw my doctor on thursday and he upped my night-time meds that are supposed to prevent me from getting a migraine. Ya, lets just say those are not working. Then he told me to take some Advil whenever I feel one coming on and it should go away. Well I have now tried Advil, Advil Migraine, Aleeve and Excedrine Migraine. None help but the last two make me really sick to my stomach. Monday I will be making another appointment and I won't be happy at all. Hopefully he can figure out whats wrong before I leave for the east coast. I really don't want to be flying all day with a migraine. I think I would be rather testy and no one wants that.

One last thing, do dogs have nightmares?? Last night, well 2 am Lexi woke me up making this weird whimpering sound. I check on her and the dang dog is completely asleep. She was even snoring between whimpers. I went back to bed but after 10 minutes she was still whimpering. Poor Lex was woken up and tossed outside to go potty. Thankfully when she came back in she went right back to bed and no more sad puppy noises. Apparently after that she only had good dreams.

Happy day before Halloween,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oops Slow Start

Ok, So I planned on posting something every few days to get in the habit before T leaves for basic. I figure that one day after he graduates he will be really bored and can read what I was doing for the 3 months he was gone. If I keep with with the every 10 days thing, it won't even take him much time to read.

So what have I been doing???

1. Took compass test for school. Got a 100 on the reading part, 94 on the writing and 91 on the math. Then I did a happy dance in the advisors office. But I am a walk in for the pre-nursing program so I'm super happy. Hopefully it will only take me 3 years to get my degree.

2. Made caramel apples and burned my finger really bad. Note to self never again try to dance to my favorite song while dipping apples. Now over a week later its still angry and red and sore. Doc says it will take a month to heal completely and will scar, like I don't already have enough of those.

3. Went to the "big city". To people in Wyoming that would be Salt Lake City, Utah. Its the most amazing place. I love the mountains and everything that it has to offer, like more than 2 movie theaters, several malls, and of course In-N-Out. Thats the california girl coming out.

4. Realized that hopefully this time next month I will be with T for Thanksgiving. Sadly he will be leaving a few days after that. Don't get me wrong I am very proud of him, I just hate that I won't be able to call or text him while he is in basic. I might be a little addicted to talking to him. If I dont hear from him for a long time I tend to start freaking out and call him to make sure he's ok. Usually he's asleep because duh two hour time difference. So the first few weeks I might be a little crazy.

Thats about it for right now. I'm trying to warm up since its so flipping cold outside. Hopefully it warms up this weekend like the weather man said. I am so not ready for winter yet.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

First Time Blogging

Ok so a while ago I moved away from my love, my family and my friends to work for my grandma and go to school. Maybe a while isn't the right word, how about more specifically 8 months ago. I decided to start a blog so my family can keep up with what I am doing in the land of cowboys and cows. I will also include what Tyler, my fiancee and best friend, is doing while he is in basic training, the marines, and MOS school. So welcome to my blog.