Monday, January 17, 2011

Off and Running

So school officially started last week and I have been busy as ever. Sadly one of my classes was cancelled. My math class was tuesday and thursday nights which I loved. Now its monday, wednesday and friday afternoons which sucks because I now have class every day of the week. But once I get to balancing work a lil better I will be fine. And luckily its only til April 28th. My reward for being a good little student is I am going to Vegas for my 21st birthday in May even though my birthday is in March. I am waiting until I am out of school to go so we can have fun and not rush through our trip. I'm excited. Now if I could just get over this cold I would be so happy. I have been sick for over a week and it seems like I am never going to get better. Thats probably dramatic but after being sick this long I like I'm allowed.

Other news.....
Tyler went to MEPS which was like his physical and junk. He should hopefully get a date to leave for basic soon. I'm not a patient person so this waiting thing drives me nuts.... maybe even more than it does him. Or maybe its just me driving him nuts asking him the same questions when he still doesn't know. Like I said I'm impatient.

Oh and I learned how to drive my Tribute on ice an snow without sliding or causing an accident. Yay go me! I have never had to drive on roads like this before and I am proud to say its Kari 1 Roads 0.
View from the front yard and the side of my car.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year.

This is the time of year when everyone makes resolutions. As a kid I did too. Mine were usually simple things like keep my room clean or get good grades. Well I got good grades but my room was always a disaster, sorry mom. I don't think my room was ever clean longer than a week, I just love "creative chaos" i suppose. This year I am setting some goals. One is to do well in school which starts tomorrow. I am really excited to go back. I want to try to exercise everyday. I was walking Lexi alot but with how cold it has been and all the ice we are both avoiding the outdoors. Hopefully I can learn how to balance being a full time student with working almost full time. Luckily I have an awesome boss who lets me have flexible hours to go to school.

Another goal is for me to start dressing more like an adult. I live in jeans, tee-shirts and tennis shoes. I love them and they are comfy but I am almost 21 and need a big girl wardrobe.

And I want to see Tyler graduate from Marine basic training. Hopefully that will happen this fall.

But thats about it for me. I can't believe that its already 2011, and I have lived in Wyoming for almost a year. This last year has flown by and hopefully next few will too. I am looking forward to being done with school, marrying my best friend and starting our life together. So the next few years can go fast. I would love that.